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How to Avoid Being Injured in a Drunk Driving Accident

Any responsible motorist knows not to drink and drive. Still, even careful drivers can be harmed in accidents resulting from drunk driving when they are sharing the road with motorists who choose to get behind the wheel when they have too much alcohol in their systems. 

There are certain steps you can take to avoid being injured in a motor vehicle accident involving a drunk driver. They include the following:

Recognize the Signs of Drunk Driving

Be on the lookout for behaviors that indicate someone is intoxicated when observing other motorists. Specific warning signs to be aware of include:

  • Weaving or failing to properly maintain one’s lane
  • Speeding
  • Driving too slowly
  • Failing to turn on headlights in low-light conditions
  • Honking for no apparent reason
  • Tailgating
  • Generally engaging in reckless driving behaviors

If you notice any of these behaviors or actions in another motorist, avoid them on the road. If this means pulling over for a few minutes until you know they are no longer in your vicinity, do so. Adding a few extra minutes to your trip is a small price to pay to avoid a major accident.

Avoid Driving During Dangerous Times

On an average day, most drunk driving arrests and accidents occur between the hours of midnight and 3:00 AM. This is to be expected. At this time of night, people who have been out at bars, parties, or other settings where they could have had several drinks may be returning home. Thus, it makes sense that there would be more intoxicated drivers on the road during these hours.

To the best of your ability, avoid driving during this time. Be aware that this is also a time of day when many drivers might be sleep-deprived. According to the CDC, driving without proper rest can be as dangerous as drunk driving.

Avoid Driving During Certain Times of Year

You can’t keep off the road all the time simply because you may be sharing it with intoxicated motorists. However, depending on where you happen to live or work and what time of year it happens to be, there may be instances when you can justify limiting your driving for a day or two until the roads become safer.

For example, on certain major holidays associated with drinking, it’s best to stay home or rely on public transportation if possible. The same goes for times of the year when reckless young motorists without much driving experience might drink and drive. An example might be right after high school graduation or on a prom night. Studies have linked these times of the year with high rates of drunk driving accidents.

Contact a Pittsburgh DUI Accident Attorney Today

Following these tips can potentially reduce your chances of being involved in an accident resulting from the negligence of an intoxicated driver. That said, you should not have to adjust all your driving habits and choices simply because others make poor decisions. More importantly, if you are injured in an accident caused by a drunk driver, you should not be required to cover your own medical bills or other such losses.

Contact a Pittsburgh drunk driving accident attorney at Shenderovich, Shenderovich & Fishman if you have been injured because another motorist was drunk. We will help you pursue any compensation for which you may be eligible. Learn more about how we can help by contacting us online or calling us today at 888-98-TWINS(89467) to schedule your free consultation.

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