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Pittsburgh Premises Liability Attorney

Millions of Americans are injured on other people’s properties each year. When that happens, they are often left wondering how to recover compensation for their losses. By securing a Pittsburgh premises liability attorney from Shenderovich, Shenderovich & Fishman, you can count on a dedicated team. We will work to investigate your case so we can secure the compensation you deserve. If another person’s negligence caused you harm, you should not be put in financial jeopardy.


There may be various types of compensation available to the victims of injuries on another’s real estate. Victims may be entitled to both economic and non-economic compensation. This includes the following:
1.Coverage for all medical bills related to the injury
2.The cost of physical therapy or rehabilitation
3.Coverage of prescription medications or medical devices
4.Lost income if a victim cannot work
5.Loss of quality of life damages
6.Pain and suffering damages
The total amount of compensation available for a Pittsburgh premises liability claim will vary depending on the facts and circumstances surrounding each particular case. An attorney will work with trusted economic and medical experts to help properly calculate the total expected losses of their client.


There are a variety of ways that a person can become injured due to the negligence of a property owner. This can include:

Slip and fall accidents due to hazardous conditions from:

1.Spills that have not been cleaned
2.Debris or merchandise in customer walkways
3.Recently mopped floors not labeled with signs
4.Lack of handrails or guardrails
5.Unlevel flooring due to damage

Restaurant injuries:

1.Food not stored or prepared at proper temperatures
2.Contaminated food due to improper handling
3.Slip and fall incidents from spills

Amusement ride incidents

1.Rides not properly inspected or maintained
2.Defective amusement rides (possible product liability)

Negligent security leading to assaults:

1.Failure to provide adequate security guards
2.Insufficient lighting
3.Inadequate locks or surveillance

Property defects due to inadequate maintenance:

1.Cracks in sidewalks or parking lot pavements
2.Cracks in flooring inside a building
3.Faulty electrical work
4.Furniture or infrastructure collapse

Swimming pool or hot tub incidents:

1.Failure to fence the pool area
2.Lack of lifeguards or supervision when required
3.Lack of pool maintenance or misuse of pool chemicals

Injuries that happen at private residences:

Private residence owners also have a duty to ensure their guests are safe


When we look at the causes of these cases above, we know that a wide array of injuries are possible. This can include:
1.Broken and dislocated bones
2.Severe lacerations
3.Internal organ damage
4.Internal bleeding
5.Spinal cord injuries
6.Traumatic brain injuries.
It is vital that you seek medical assistance for any injury that happens on another person’s property. Even if the injury seems minor, the full extent of some injuries is not always known until hours or days after an incident occurs.


Many premises liability claims are denied by insurance companies in Pittsburgh and all across Pennsylvania because the party seeking compensation from the property owner or occupier got injured by an open and obvious hazard. An “open and obvious hazard” is an exception when property owners or possessors are liable for their visitors’ injuries.

Our Pittsburgh premises liability accident lawyer from Shenderovich, Shenderovich & Fishman explains that you are not eligible to recover damages if your injury was caused by your failure to avoid injury by an open and obvious hazard on someone else’s property. A dangerous condition on someone else’s property can be considered an “open and obvious hazard” when another reasonably cautious individual would have noticed and avoided that condition.


There is a widespread misconception that the law prohibits you from suing a public or government entity in Pennsylvania if you were injured on public property or your injury was caused by a government employee.

While it is true that the government does enjoy a great amount of immunity from liability for injuries, you may be entitled to compensation if your case meets certain criteria. Our Pittsburgh premises liability accident attorney warns you to be wary of the following rules and restrictions when suing a government entity in Pennsylvania:

Shorter time limits

While an injured party generally has two years to bring a premises liability claim against a private entity or other individuals, that statute of limitations ranges from only 30 to 180 days when filing a lawsuit against a government agency in Pennsylvania.

The Notice of Claim requirement

Any injured individual is required to file a Notice of Claim with the government agency and all other government parties involved prior to filing a premises liability claim.

Compensation limits

Pennsylvania also limits the amount of recovery that you can receive as part of your premises liability claim. If you pursue a premises liability claim against the state, your compensation will be capped at $250,000. When suing a local entity in Pennsylvania, the maximum allowable settlement is $500,000.

No punitive damages

You are not eligible to recover punitive damages when suing a public or government entity.

Lawsuit limitations

You have the right to file a premises liability lawsuit against the government only after you have exhausted all other administrative remedies to recover damages.


If you or somebody you love has been injured due to the careless or negligent actions of a property owner in or around the Pittsburgh area, reach out to the team at Shenderovich, Shenderovich & Fishman for help as soon as possible. Our attorneys have extensive experience handling complex injury cases throughout Pennsylvania, and we know what it takes to help you recover compensation for your losses. We have no problem standing up to aggressive insurance carriers, and we will certainly take your case all the way to trial if necessary. When you need a Pittsburgh premises liability attorney, you can contact us for a free consultation by clicking here or calling (412) 391-7610.

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